Re: memes (Was: Re: Does God have a monopoly on gods?)
Sun, 5 Mar 2000 00:32:31 GMT
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In, Richard Franks writes:
> In, Erik Olson writes:
> > Anyway, it's time to wrap up this essay. I think there is a time to
> > label something a meme, but only when you want to emphasize its
> > propogation and nothing deeper.
> It might have been an essay, but it was a good one :) Thanks for this - I
> understand your previous message now! The meme-meme is an easy one to grasp
> but hard to master. I can't say I've mastered it yet, but I do find it
> interesting :)
In addition to religions, some of the more fascinating memes (IMHO) include
Internet hoaxes or urban legends -- for example the so-called "Good Times
Virus" hoax or the so-called "Mrs. Fields' Cookies Rcecipe" messages. It's
fascinating how those memes continue to propagate -- and since they're
archived in bazillions of places on the Net, they're virtually indestructable
as long as they are unsuspecting newbie hosts.
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