Re: Mormon bashing again
Sun, 5 Mar 2000 00:29:14 GMT
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In, Richard Marchetti writes:
> I shouldn't talk for Bill, but I think I know what he means...
> Law v Grace
> You are saved by grace according to the New Testament. But you show your love
> of God by following his commandments (i.e. starting with all the Mosaic laws
> and up to and including all of the laws established by Jesus).
> Jesus himself practiced the passover -- its commonly called the "Last
> Supper." He would not have practiced Xmas (see Jeremiah 10:2-5). You'll have
> to leave the "truly" pagan/heathen stuff to guys like me...
The mosaic law was still in force until His resurrection.
> Jesus said "Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am
> not come to destroy, but to fulfill. For verily I say unto you, Till heaven
Fulfilled in the sense that he retired them. He fulfilled them because they
were given to show sin and the need of an innocent sacrifice. Since animals
could not propitiate a Holy God an appropriate sacrifice was needed. Read the
list of verses in my previous post for documentation. After His perfect
offering of Himself, the law of moses was no longer needed. The High Priest
would offer a sacrifice for all the people on Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement)
making them acceptable to God. Now, if someone wishes to be acceptable to God
they must put their trust in the sacrifice of Christ. That's why when Jesus
died the veil of the temple was ripped from top to bottom - the temple was no
longer necessary. All were given entrance in the Holiest of all if they
believed - the same principle that declared Abraham righteous - belief.
> and Earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till
> all be fulfilled. Whosoever therefore sall break one of these commandments,
> and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven:
> but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the
> kingdom of heaven" (Matthew 5:17-19). Read the rest for a good understanding
> of what he was saying.
> Basically, it means the Christians should be practicing Judaic customs.
Not necessarily, the New Covenant is just that, it's not the same as the old
one, it's efficacy is in a new and perfect sacrifice. Hebrews says that the old
was the shadow of the new. The new is the true substance, the very point of the
old. We are free to do right because we are spiritually dead and raised with
Christ. As I said we do right because we have become a "new creature", one with
God, of the same substance. That's why we do right - because we are His. Romans
6 says your master is the one whom you serve and you will receive wages from
that one you serve. Don't call God you father if your not living like Him as
best you can. When we fail, we confess and get back up because of what we ARE,
not because of what we're trying to be. Jesus said you are not worthy to be
called His disciple if you keep looking back. We forget that true faith will
produce actions. Too many people "say" they believe but don't live it. James
says that this kind of faith will not save you.
> Feast of Jubilee anyone? We can give the Native Americans back Manhattan...
> -- Richard
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Re: Mormon bashing again
| I shouldn't talk for Bill, but I think I know what he means... Law v Grace You are saved by grace according to the New Testament. But you show your love of God by following his commandments (i.e. starting with all the Mosaic laws and up to and (...) (25 years ago, 4-Mar-00, to
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