Re: Libertarian stuff
Fri, 14 Jan 2000 19:52:57 GMT
1648 times
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Dave Schuler wrote in message ...
> In, Larry Pieniazek writes:
> > anyway. Eye of the beholder and all that.
> I thought it was apparent that my post was intended with a healthy dose of
> irony, but if you don't see that then perhaps I was unclear in my attempt.
It seems that irony and sarcasm are often overlooked by the beholder, and
I personally will be far more careful in their use. I refrained from
pointing out the "do gooder" mentality that I also saw in your post, most
likely because much of that post was humbling and useful to me. I did point
out that you should address your own problems, without actually addressing
them. I think its best that we (as individuals) each take our own personal
inventory, not the inventories of others. We do seem to be doing that
"favor" for each other in many cases, and personally, although sometimes it
causes me anger to see my own flaws, it does help me. I appreciate Larry's
intervention, showing that I am not the only imperfect person here. I do
hope that we can all work on ourselves, and be able to continue debating - I
find it to be one of the better ways to learn. I would hate to see us all
stop posting, simply because we are unable to control ourselves.
Have fun!
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