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 Off-Topic / Debate / 3553
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Re: Libertarian stuff (Was: Re: Art Debate Was: [Re: Swearing?])
Wed, 12 Jan 2000 02:23:27 GMT
1234 times
On Tue, 11 Jan 2000 21:51:08 GMT, "Dave Schuler" <>

Not at all! ;-)
  It simply guarantees that those who have money, be they individuals or
corporations, will continute to have money and the best that it can buy, from
education to property (which could thereupon be protected by these nebulous
"property rights").  And why shouldn't they?  Since they have money and fiscal
power, naturally we can rely on them to behave responsibly and not to take
unfair advantage of it!

See my reasoning as to "libertarian  =  feudal" now?


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Libertarian stuff (Was: Re: Art Debate Was: [Re: Swearing?])
(...) Not at all! ;-) It simply guarantees that those who have money, be they individuals or corporations, will continute to have money and the best that it can buy, from education to property (which could thereupon be protected by these nebulous (...) (25 years ago, 11-Jan-00, to

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