Re: Libertarian stuff (Was: Re: Art Debate Was: [Re: Swearing?])
Mon, 10 Jan 2000 01:39:53 GMT
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In, Jasper Janssen writes:
> And if the parents decide not to send their child to school, what
> then? Do they spend time in jail? Who decides what constitutes
> "schooling", and what doesn't?
> Why do I get the feeling this inevitably leads to the government
> deciding whether or not institutions are schools, thereby putting us
> right back where we started except that the parents now pay directly
> for the school?
What happens when parents (inevitably) decide that they can provide a decent
education at home, rather than spending all of that money?
If the child has a right to a certain level of education, and the state has to
uphold that right (or rather prevent the parent from violating the childs right
to an education) then how does the state decide what is a correct level or not?
Putting on my Libertarian hat, I'd probably guess that the state would force
parents to pay a third-party organisation to certify them as being able to
provide a suitable education.
Then what if the parents can't afford that?
Remove one tax, add three laws... I find it hard to believe that Libertopia
would have that many less Laws than we do now :)
I support Libertarians on trying to reduce laws, make services more efficient,
and re-introducing personal responsibility into the mix.. but my biggest
sticking point is the "scrap the welfare system" aim. Is the concept of a fair
tax really that evil?
It's a lot more fun being able to pay a tax than it is having to rely upon the
services it provides to survive!
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