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 Off-Topic / Debate / 28227
28226  |  28228
Re: malicious behavior
Fri, 16 Feb 2007 22:07:06 GMT
9720 times
In, John Neal wrote:
   The only real way to know if someone is a regular reader is if that person posts often each week. Sure, there are regular lurkers, but you have no tangible way to verify that.

Actually, there ARE other ways-- ish-- but they’re not easy! And they’re not necessarily open to everyone. For instance, an admin could check on the Lugnet server to see how many times he’s logged in. But it’s not public information. You can only get it if you have access to the Lugnet server. Same sort of deal if you want to stand over someone’s shoulder (as you later point out). Some people might be able to swing that, some might not. If you have access to that person’s web history, you can check out where they’ve been going. And there are various other hack methods you could try to use in order to determine whether or not someone’s reading a lot.

But there’s very little (if anything) that’s 100% fool proof. Someone could be signing in as Larry. In the case of someone posting often each week (or month or what-have-you), you never know, it might be someone else who’s hacked his account and is posting as him. You might see an IP address that was *once* associated with who you’re looking for, but it might actually be someone else at the time (IP reassignment). Maybe someone else was using his computer. Tons of possibilities.

But by and large, you’re right-- the best way for your average person to see if someone’s a regular reader is if they post a lot on Lugnet, or post/comment a lot on other sites citing recent Lugnet posts. It’s not the only way, and it’s not the most accurate way, but it’s probably the best most people can get.


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: malicious behavior
(...) You can't assume that because he has posted on LUGNET a few times, he is reading or aware of anything that is going on on LUGNET. The only real way to know if someone is a regular reader is if that person posts often each week. Sure, there are (...) (18 years ago, 15-Feb-07, to, FTX)

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