Re: Danish cartoons outrage some Moslem groups and nations
Fri, 10 Feb 2006 21:32:21 GMT
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In, John Neal wrote:
> And I'll tie that into belief in God. In the end, I believe that we won't be
> judged by what we believed, but what we actually {did} based on those
> beliefs.
So you're a James disiple--"faith without works" and all that? I'm pretty much
there except I say "In the end, I believe that we'll be judged on what we did"
and leave the beliefs out of it, because I know alotta very good athiests that
do good works all the time.
> The whole idea behind belief in God is providing rationalization for acting
> morally. Loving God IS loving your neighbor. "Whatsoever you do to the
> least of my children, that you do unto me." (from memory; too lazy to cite).
> Sorry. `</tangent`>
> [JOHN]
(another blog about the protesting muslims, but uses the 'what you do to the
least of them' thing, so it's a co-tangent...)
Love the tangents...
Dave K
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