Population control -- was Re: Danish cartoons outrage some Moslem groups and nations
Fri, 10 Feb 2006 18:08:28 GMT
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In, Dave Schuler wrote:
> In, John Neal wrote:
> > if that baby {(in utero)} is considered a person, then the State has the
> > obligation to protect the rights of that person.
> The question becomes "why must the rights of the embryo or fetus supersede
> the rights of the woman?" I've never heard a compelling answer to that
> question.
> > Here are 2 extreme examples that I believe negate any position that is
> > completely pro-life or completely pro-choice.
> >
> > 1. If life begins at conception, then an abortion at any time would equal
> > murder. Now, murder is murder, whether someone kills a 5 year old child or
> > a 50 year old grandmother. Is {anyone} willing to equate those lives to a
> > "baby" that has been growing in a womb for 2 days?
> It has been helpful for me, in discussions like this, to add the term
> "viable" to "life." "Viable life" most assuredly does not begin at
> conception. Before the fetus is viable, it can't be considered to be a
> functional, independent human being.
> "Viability" refers to pure, physiological criteria and shouldn't be mistaken
> for "independent." A healthy newborn is viable but is not independent.
> Heck, I know some healthy 20-somethings who are viable but not independent.
> > 2. A woman, who is 6 months pregnant, is on her way to the abortion clinic
> > to get a legal abortion. Before she gets there, she is mugged and assaulted
> > by a Right Wing Ant-abortion Protestor. She ends up in the hospital, her
> > fetus mortally wounded. The Whackjob is charged and convicted of
> > manslaughter. How can it be that he can get convicted of doing something
> > that she would have legally {paid} to do minutes later? Is this clearly not
> > an "equal protection" issue?
> It's manslaughter because the Whackjob took the decision away from the woman,
> who could otherwise have changed her mind at the last minute.
> Just my thoughts. Hardly ironclad, I know.
> Dave!
See, I'm kinda with Dave! on this one--if it's a black and white issue--i.e.
the second the sperm touches the egg it's LIFE! then there would be no issue.
But people haven't been able to come to a consensus for, well, ever yet as to
when life does begin. All of them state that when the baby is out and
breathing, then that's life--no questions.
But between conception to birthing, there has been no consensus as to 'this is
life' and 'that isn't' point.
Third trimesters, 20 weeks, conception... whatever...
So again, when there's no consensus, I'm left to make the decision *for me* and
me alone. For me, any potential child of mine begins when I'm in a loving
committed relationship with someone and we want to have a kid.
There. That's for me. Others may take the same approach, and that's their
choice. However, I won't push that choice on people, nor should I.
And quoting specific legal cases--well, there'll be cases that won stating the
exact opposite. Until all of us can unequivocably state that "This point is
when life begins", then we're left with our own 'belief'. If it's a 'belief',
it's something we can't pawn off on others.
Should society protect someone who is helpless and can't protect themselves?
Yes. But if we can't agree when that life starts, then it's left in the realm
of 'belief'--that's a personal choice and therefore society should butt out.
At least, that's how I see it.
All this said, if I have a daughter and she comes home pregnant at 15 (as some
kids are prone to do these days), I'll sit down with her and we'll talk openly
about all the options, with my personal belief that she should carry the baby to
term, and either keep it (and me and her mom helping as much as possible) or
give it up for adoption (again, with me and mom there all the way).
But whatever her choice, it's hers to make and I'll support her.
Dave K
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