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 Off-Topic / Debate / 27561
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Re: Danish cartoons outrage some Moslem groups and nations
Sun, 5 Feb 2006 23:29:48 GMT
2001 times
In, Timothy Gould wrote: --BIG--SNIP--
   In Australia we manage quite well with a thing called de facto relationships. It accords the same rights as marriage to couples who have been cohabiting for a reasonable length of time. You need to prove you’ve been cohabiting to be granted it but in the case of your beloved man and wife couples that wouldn’t be a problem.

But the flaw in that is that you don’t have to be cohabiting to be married

Another Tim

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Danish cartoons outrage some Moslem groups and nations
--SNIP-- (...) I agree completely, but we'll have to wait and see what happens before deciding on this. (...) Wasn't me who confused the two. It was you. Thus my statement above regarding conservatism and fundamentalism. (...) I've seen no proof (...) (19 years ago, 5-Feb-06, to, FTX)

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