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 Off-Topic / Debate / 20536
20535  |  20537
Re: For some Lego is a religous experience. (Was: Re: Quantifying and Classifying the LEGO Community)
lugnet.general, lugnet.people,,
Wed, 23 Apr 2003 03:07:22 GMT
33 times
In lugnet.general, Nathan Todd writes:
In lugnet.general, David Schwanke writes:

Well, I discuss religion with respect to Legos because my spiritual
relationship to Christ is the focus of my life and EVERYTHING else is

<and a bunch more witnessing>

Please consider setting FUT somewhere else, it's starting to veer away from
general interest, IMHO.

I set FUT to ot.d but that may not be the right place to be, I dunno.

Message has 3 Replies:
  Re: For some Lego is a religous experience. (Was: Re: Quantifying and Classifying the LEGO Community)
I'm too newb to know what FUT is so if someone wants to enlighten me I'll make any adjustments that I can. We already briefly had the discussion about the locations of these discussions and it was generally sugested that lugnet.people and (...) (22 years ago, 24-Apr-03, to lugnet.people,
  Re: For some Lego is a religous experience. (Was: Re: Quantifying and Classifying the LEGO Community
(...) Just for the record, that's more of an honorary appellation than a formal title of office. Dave! (22 years ago, 24-Apr-03, to
  Re: For some Lego is a religous experience. (Was: Re: Quantifying and Classifying the LEGO Community
(...) "Abenib... Abeb... Adeni... "I'm Ben" :) Steve (22 years ago, 14-May-03, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: For some Lego is a religous experience. (Was: Re: Quantifying and Classifying the LEGO Community)
(...) SNIP (I agree here to but have to cut my quotes.... (...) Well said. I agree, God Bless You, Nathan (22 years ago, 22-Apr-03, to lugnet.general, lugnet.people,

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