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 Off-Topic / Debate / 19769
19768  |  19770
Re: Just Teasing, I Have No Intention of Debating Any of This...
Mon, 24 Mar 2003 18:10:39 GMT
1110 times
In, Christopher L. Weeks writes:
In, Bruce Schlickbernd writes:

Morally, you may be correct, but practically, it is better to proceed under
the generational contract as long as the new generation has the means to
modify it.

And I pay my taxes and vote my concience.  I just think it's messed up to call
it a contract.  It's a dodge.

  Rather than simply asserting that it is not a contract, you must
demonstrate why it is not a contract.  You can't just say "it's a dodge" and
pretend to have refuted it.

In the case of the Africans, they were brought here by force, and
never entered into a contract, either individually or by previous

Does that mean that the descendants of those slaves have a different set of
obligations to the state?

  The slaves who were freed (and thereafter remained in the US) entered into
the contract, just as you did by staying here after your 18th birthday.  The
children of those freed slaves were subsequently entered into the contract
as well, and they could have exited the contract by renouncing citizenship
and leaving the country.

From the perspective of the individual, how is being brought from Africa with
no choice, different than being brough from the womb with no choice?  I reject
the possibility of being born into a contract.

  You weren't born into it, but your parents, with custodial rights, entered
you into it on your behalf following your birth.  Once you were of legal age
to decide for yourself (currently 18, for the most part) you could easily
have exercised your right to renounce your citizenship and leave the country.


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Just Teasing, I Have No Intention of Debating Any of This...
(...) And I pay my taxes and vote my concience. I just think it's messed up to call it a contract. It's a dodge. I'd be happier if we just enunciated the fact that we are partially or sort-of owned by the state. As long as they control our right to (...) (22 years ago, 24-Mar-03, to

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