More 'Classic' Lawsuits...
Thu, 6 Feb 2003 20:46:11 GMT
97 times
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Student sues board to get A+ instead of A in course.
First, the last line mentions a restraining order--I didn't understand that
Second, a few months back I mentioned an article where junior hockey player
sues hockey league 'cause he wasn't MVP, now we have this...
My head hurts.
Maybe I should get a lawsuit going--
Sue the LEGO company for taking away all my spare time?
Sue my job for taking 8 hours out of my day?
Sue television manufacturers for making me sit on my butt and watch?
Sue sue sue!!!
I have an Aunt Sue...
Don't know why I mentioned that... ;)
Dave K
-who is just looking to sue someone--the next person that doesn't please me
is in for it!!!!
Message has 1 Reply:  | | Re: More 'Classic' Lawsuits...
| (...) Don't sue me I'm broke. I am pretty sure the retraining order is to block the school from posting the class rankings until the suit over the grades has been resolved. What will they think of next? William (22 years ago, 6-Feb-03, to
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