Re: The US gives too much/not enough aid
Tue, 12 Nov 2002 20:12:02 GMT
1262 times
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In, David Koudys writes:
> What of the environment? I mean you're going to drill in a preserve in
> Alaska. Why? Pure D consumerism-the 'need' is there, "Do what you have to
> in the world as long as my SUV can get me to the fitness gym and the mall so
> I can buy my workout clothes and shoes and look good."
> I'm just saying... Maybe not you, and not your friends, but this is how
> *America* is seen.
Well considering the decision to drill in Alaska hasn't been made yet, and
has failed every time so far that Congress has tried to pass it, I think
you're jumping the gun on this one. I'd say that the U.S. is at worst split
down the middle over the issue (at least between those people who have an
opinion) and I actually think that more Americans are against drilling than
are for it. Unfortunately with the recent election results, the chances of
drilling being authorized have gone way up.
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| (...) Not hard at all--science. More specifics--space program, aeronautics, other stuff--yes the world benefitted from these things but specifically, the US--letting in German scientists and turning a blind eye to some atrocities during the war they (...) (22 years ago, 12-Nov-02, to
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