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 Off-Topic / Debate / 18223
18222  |  18224
Re: Vote against/for...
Mon, 11 Nov 2002 14:00:44 GMT
1021 times
In, John Neal writes:

You literary

c /literary/literally/

make me laugh out loud.  Scott, why do you suppose Cubans risk
their lives almost daily to try and land on US shores?  To escape
world class healthcare and education??

That's my guess... (if world class == "average" or even "median")

You think Cuba is doing well, eh?  Let's wait until Castro
finally kicks the bucket and Cuba opens up to world markets.
Let's see how she will do with a little dose of free market
economy.  We have been poised to offer assistance for decades...

Apparently we're offering some as we speak.

(to see all of them so far: and go through the
calendar to choose them...)

I know, I know, it's only marginally related but I thought it was funny. So
sue me.

Message has 1 Reply:
  Healthcare [was Re: Vote against/for...]
(...) I expect you are correct. I searched for the WHO rankings, but I had no luck. Although I did find this: (URL) makes no mention of Cuba, but it does tell us the WHO places the US system at number 38 [very average]. The rankings appear to be (...) (22 years ago, 12-Nov-02, to

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  Re: Vote against/for...
(...) You literary make me laugh out loud. Scott, why do you suppose Cubans risk their lives almost daily to try and land on US shores? To escape world class healthcare and education?? You think Cuba is doing well, eh? Let's wait until Castro (...) (22 years ago, 11-Nov-02, to

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