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 Off-Topic / Debate / 18169
18168  |  18170
Re: A word to the international community... (Re: Vote against/for...)
Thu, 7 Nov 2002 20:59:27 GMT
953 times
In, John Neal writes:

If I hear of one more Hollywood star say in a press conference in Europe that
they hate America, I'm think I'm going to puke!

Who has said this?  Name the star, and give the citation.

The quickest link I could find:

Click further and you read:

?It makes me feel ashamed to come from the United States ? it is humiliating.?

  I read the whole article, and so did Larry.  Did you?  Nowhere in it did
Ms. Lang say that she hates America.  This is not a trivial point, since it
highlights your willingness to misread a text for your own purposes.  I love
the United States for all its freedoms and for the mere fact of my personal
history within it, but I am disgusted by many of its policies and practices.
It is easily possible to harbor many simultaneous feelings about one's nation.
  I asked you to show which Hollywood star said "I hate America," and you
have done neither.  Either revise your initial statement, admit your error,
or else you are, in defiance of your absolute morality, simply maintaining a
deliberate lie.


  This is either a statement of forfeiture or else a polite way of telling
someone to f*** off.  In either case you do nothing for your argument by
ending with such a pissy little interjection.


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: A word to the international community... (Re: Vote against/for...)
(...) Click further and you read: ?It makes me feel ashamed to come from the United States ? it is humiliating.? ? JESSICA LANGE Whatever. -John (22 years ago, 7-Nov-02, to

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