Re: Vote against/for...
Wed, 6 Nov 2002 19:42:52 GMT
677 times
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In, John Neal writes:
> > ...continued international power-grabs.
> How about the world showing the US a little respect first.
> I think America did that.
> -John
How 'bout the US get off it's pretentious 'Mighter than thou so we can do as
we please' high horse and smell the roses (or the toxic exhaust fumes from
rampant consumerism)
Before you go 'waging a war on terror' in other countries, before you start
yammering about how 'evil' other folks are in their yards--take a look at
the way you do things in your own country--remove dat der plank from yer eye
before ya go about tryin' to shake the dust outta mine...
Dave K
Message has 1 Reply:  | | Re: Vote against/for...
| (...) The world needs to come to terms with the simple fact that the US *IS MIGHTIER THAN THOU* It's not pretentious, merely fact. Be thankful that the US also happens to be the greatest power ever to have existed on the face of the earth AND shows (...) (22 years ago, 6-Nov-02, to
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Re: Vote against/for...
| (...) Sometimes we have no choice. (...) How about the world showing the US a little respect first. (...) Who would support this? (...) Who wouldn't vote for this? (...) I think America did that. -John (22 years ago, 6-Nov-02, to
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