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 Off-Topic / Debate / 15561
15560  |  15562
Re: An armed society...(what if?)
Wed, 23 Jan 2002 20:08:02 GMT
1585 times
In, Kirby Warden writes:
Live happy and die ignorant.

To do otherwise means you have to take on BY CHOICE the life forced upon
Frodo and Sam Wise in LOTR -- to risk everything at each new moment striving
for freedom.

It's so much easier to build a series of temporary autonomous zones, and
just keep moving on.  Life in the north american game preserve is fairly
comfortable, after all...

-- Hop-Frog

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: An armed society...(what if?)
With every gun debate I see/read, it seems to me more people would rather live unarmed. I seems likely to me that, within my lifetime, guns will be outlawed from private citizens. Why do I think this likely? Because I just don't see enough people (...) (23 years ago, 23-Jan-02, to

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