Re: An armed society...
Mon, 21 Jan 2002 18:38:56 GMT
927 times
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In, Fredrik Glöckner writes:
> Can I ask you a rhetorical question, while still staying with the Hitler
> subject? Hitler was a vegetarian. Does that prove anything about
> vegetarians?
> Fredrik
You can ask a rhetorical question
and you can ask someone a question
but you cannot ask someone a rhetorical question
for when you ask a rhetorical question you don't want and/or expect an
answer, as in,
"What's up with that?"
You can ask a person, "What do you think is up with that?" but then it ain't
rhetorical for you expect an answer.
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Re: An armed society...
| (...) Can I ask you a rhetorical question, while still staying with the Hitler subject? Hitler was a vegetarian. Does that prove anything about vegetarians? Fredrik (23 years ago, 21-Jan-02, to
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