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 Off-Topic / Debate / 15175
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Re: If you're an AFOL and you know it raise your hand (WAS: Blacksmith Shop)
Wed, 19 Dec 2001 00:01:14 GMT
5996 times
In, Allan Bedford writes:
In, Ross Crawford writes:

But is not "adult who enjoys building with LEGO" as much a label as "adult
fan of LEGO"? 8?)

Is someone who believes in God necessarily a Christian?

Allan B.
Definitely NOT an AFOL

It's all right Allan, we understand.  It took me almost a year of lurking
before I could bring myself to post here, and being a closet AFOL was my dirty
little family secret for almost another year (although my Kindergartener almost
spilled the beans when the room mother overheard him tell another child that
his mom had way more LEGO than he did).  But I can't tell you how liberating it
is once you are ready to admit your true nature.  Until then, know that you are
not alone....

Maggie C.

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: If you're an AFOL and you know it raise your hand (WAS: Blacksmith Shop)
(...) I've was posting to about 3 1/2 years ago. I have been posting to LUGNET for quite some time now (over 3 years) I'm not shy. I'm not a lurker. Thanks for the sentiments though. (...) Well, I feel bad for you that you felt you had (...) (23 years ago, 19-Dec-01, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: If you're an AFOL and you know it raise your hand (WAS: Blacksmith Shop)
(...) Is someone who believes in God necessarily a Christian? Regards, Allan B. Definitely NOT an AFOL (23 years ago, 18-Dec-01, to

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