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 Off-Topic / Debate / 14201
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Re: Ok, show me where I have lied? Or apologise.
Mon, 22 Oct 2001 16:44:36 GMT
934 times
In, Larry Pieniazek writes:
In, Scott Arthur writes:

*Sigh* Still no answer.

*sigh* Still no reading comprehension.

ie. None.

You got all the apology you're going to get.

However, if it will make you shut up, here's an example of a lie:

"the LP is a White Man's Club"

If you had retracted that statement after it was shown to be false (one
nonwhite member or female member disproves it, and surely you aren't going
to say the LP has none) and apologised, that would be one thing.

Do you really think that is what I meant? You are a bigger fool than I
thought. Much bigger.

As I have said before, I think the LP is disproportionately white. I think
it is overwhelming white. As I have asked before, do you prefer
"Disproportionately and Overwhelming White Man's Club" (or DOWMC)?

But you
used it repeatedly, starting a big messy war, and you continue to use it to
this day as an insult even though it is false.

It is not false. You know it.

That's a deliberate lie, repeated many times on your part for derogatory
effect, not just an accidental misstatement retracted as soon as it was
shown to be inaccurate.


You also lie by implication, or worse, insinuation.
The whole nose counting subthread of that discussion shows your nasty
tendency in that regard.

I thought that was a good thread. I can see why you did not like it. That is
very clear.

I could, if I wanted to, dig up many more examples. But all I need to give
is one example to prove the case that you are a liar. I have.

You're a liar.

Prove it! I could point to where I could have said you were a liar on this
forum. But I prefer not to.

And not just a white lie fibber who says polite fictions in
order to grease social interaction, you're a big nasty slurrer who lies for
hateful effect, presumably because you can't win arguments using logic.

ROFL. You could almost be speaking about yourself. You are the biggest
mud-slinger on this forum.

But we're used to it. Let it go.

I shall let it go when you show where I was lying, or when you retract your
pusillanimous accusation.

Scott A

You lie here and usually get away with it.
Be happy. Or better yet, go away. Go back to the other aspects of the LEGO
hobby you participate in (what were they again?) and trouble us no more here.

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Ok, show me where I have lied? Or apologise.
(...) Hey guys! Did'ja happen to notice the makeup of the participants of Lugnet, and in particular those who regularly post to .debate? Gosh, it looks to me as though the demographics are quite similar to those of the LP, age and concomitant (...) (23 years ago, 24-Oct-01, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Ok, show me where I have lied? Or apologise.
(...) *sigh* Still no reading comprehension. You got all the apology you're going to get. However, if it will make you shut up, here's an example of a lie: "the LP is a White Man's Club" If you had retracted that statement after it was shown to be (...) (23 years ago, 22-Oct-01, to

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