Re: Ok, show me where I have lied? Or apologise.
Mon, 22 Oct 2001 16:44:36 GMT
934 times
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In, Larry Pieniazek writes:
> In, Scott Arthur writes:
> > *Sigh* Still no answer.
> *sigh* Still no reading comprehension.
ie. None.
> You got all the apology you're going to get.
> However, if it will make you shut up, here's an example of a lie:
> "the LP is a White Man's Club"
> If you had retracted that statement after it was shown to be false (one
> nonwhite member or female member disproves it, and surely you aren't going
> to say the LP has none) and apologised, that would be one thing.
Do you really think that is what I meant? You are a bigger fool than I
thought. Much bigger.
As I have said before, I think the LP is disproportionately white. I think
it is overwhelming white. As I have asked before, do you prefer
"Disproportionately and Overwhelming White Man's Club" (or DOWMC)?
> But you
> used it repeatedly, starting a big messy war, and you continue to use it to
> this day as an insult even though it is false.
It is not false. You know it.
> That's a deliberate lie, repeated many times on your part for derogatory
> effect, not just an accidental misstatement retracted as soon as it was
> shown to be inaccurate.
> You also lie by implication, or worse, insinuation.
> The whole nose counting subthread of that discussion shows your nasty
> tendency in that regard.
I thought that was a good thread. I can see why you did not like it. That is
very clear.
> I could, if I wanted to, dig up many more examples. But all I need to give
> is one example to prove the case that you are a liar. I have.
> You're a liar.
Prove it! I could point to where I could have said you were a liar on this
forum. But I prefer not to.
> And not just a white lie fibber who says polite fictions in
> order to grease social interaction, you're a big nasty slurrer who lies for
> hateful effect, presumably because you can't win arguments using logic.
ROFL. You could almost be speaking about yourself. You are the biggest
mud-slinger on this forum.
> But we're used to it. Let it go.
I shall let it go when you show where I was lying, or when you retract your
pusillanimous accusation.
Scott A
> You lie here and usually get away with it.
> Be happy. Or better yet, go away. Go back to the other aspects of the LEGO
> hobby you participate in (what were they again?) and trouble us no more here.
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 | | Re: Ok, show me where I have lied? Or apologise.
| (...) *sigh* Still no reading comprehension. You got all the apology you're going to get. However, if it will make you shut up, here's an example of a lie: "the LP is a White Man's Club" If you had retracted that statement after it was shown to be (...) (23 years ago, 22-Oct-01, to
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