Re: More on Palestine
Mon, 15 Oct 2001 20:37:44 GMT
707 times
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> In, James Simpson writes:
> I have spoken to a Vietnam Vet; last night in fact; I have a special word for
> him; I call him Dad. And you know what? Dad *never* killed defenseless women
> and children in Vietnam. I take extreme umbrage with your statement.
What?!!! You're taking my statement completely the wrong way, pal! Show me
where I insulted any Vietnam vet?! I'm PRAISING the fact that many, many
Vietnem vets knew something about chivalry. They detested the fact that they
were put in the position to kill innocents and many ended up returning home
to lead protests against that damn war! Defenseless women and children WERE
killed by U.S. soldiers, on the ground and from the air, and many Vietnam
vets came forward to shed light on the dirty facts and crooked military
officials! The vast majority of Vietnam vets DID fight honorably and to this
very day many resent our government's policy!
> That was
> a horrible war, but fought honorably and bravely by the vast majority of
> Americans
I never said otherwise!
> (and others - my dad has never been an American citizen, but fought
> for the U.S. Army) who went to Hell out of no choice of their own. I find it
> insulting to the hundreds of thousands of honorable Vietnam servicemen still
> with us.
You've totally mistaken my statement!
> Perhaps *you* should talk to some Vietnam Vets and/or the families of
> the killed, maimed or missing before you dishonor their sacrifices.
I have and that's where I'm coming from! And I know a few Gulf War vets as
well and they can tell the same grim stories of terrible things we shouldn't
have done. You've totally mistaken my statement!!!
Message has 1 Reply: | | Re: More on Palestine
| (...) Daniel: I apologize to you for taking your comments out of context. As I read your statement, it seemed to me that you were implying that most Vietnam vets had engaged in dishonorable warfare. Sincerely, james simpson (23 years ago, 15-Oct-01, to
Message is in Reply To:
| | Re: More on Palestine
| (...) I have spoken to a Vietnam Vet; last night in fact; I have a special word for him; I call him Dad. And you know what? Dad *never* killed defenseless women and children in Vietnam. I take extreme umbrage with your statement. That was a horrible (...) (23 years ago, 15-Oct-01, to
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