Re: ScottFroth(tm) answered
Wed, 10 Oct 2001 16:10:58 GMT
790 times
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In, Larry Pieniazek writes:
> In, Scott Arthur writes:
> > In, Larry Pieniazek writes:
> > > In, Scott Arthur writes:
> > > > In, Scott Arthur writes:
> > > > >
> > > > > > > > What about the "evidence" the USA had when it bombed Sudan?
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > I'm not convinced that we didn't get snookered on that, and that it wasn't
> > > > > > > actually his plant after all.
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Can you justify this in any way?
> > > > >
> > > > > Well can you? Over the weekend that has been used as an example of how
> > > > > things can go wrong. Can you justify your words?
> > > >
> > > > For the 3rd time : Can you justify this in any way?
> > >
> > > Justify that I'm not convinced of something? How am I supposed to do that,
> > > exactly?
> >
> > Tell us what your basis for that opinion is.
> My basis for "not being convinced that we didn't get snookered" is lingering
> doubt that maybe, just maybe, bin Laden actually *was* the owner or part
> owner of that plant through some twisted chain, whether or not it was
> completely harmless or not.
> He, after all, has significant investments in Sudan and elsewhere, many of
> which are quite legit... date farms, water companies, and the like. Part of
> his MO is to actually do good works/provide legitimate employment in the
> country he wants to set up in as a way to look better. Certainly a pharma
> plant is a good work and employment provider so it's not beyond the realm of
> possibility to think he might have been the owner.
> So "not being convinced" is satisfied as far as I am concerned. I have
> lingering doubts. That's it.
> Note that I never said "I am sure we DID get taken on this". If you could
> actually read for comprehension you would have figured this out from the
> first. But you have more fun bludgeoning than paying attention, I guess.
Nothing tangible then?
> > > Get a grip on yourself and your frothing.
> > I have a firm grip on reality. I'm not so sure you do. I'm not the only one
> > who thinks that either.
> Should we take a poll on who has a firmer grip?
> Or perhaps on who is a more valuable contributor?
> Or perhaps on who is more annoying?
> Or more clueless?
> Heck, I'd even accept the outcome of a poll with these three choices:
> - Ban Scott from .debate, he is low value add and annoying
> - Ban Larry from .debate, he is low value add and annoying
> - Ban neither of them, they're both fine enough
> (although I won't accept "ban both", sorry, it's me OR you that has to go)
> with votes restricted to those who have posted to this forum in the last two
> years that choose to vote.
> Would you accept such an outcome?
Don't be a fool. The truth is not about a popularity contest.
Scott A
Message has 1 Reply:  | | Re: ScottFroth(tm) answered
| (...) I reminded readers it was a hunch, then gave my justification for my hunch, but you are still not satisfied. Whatever. Are we going to replay the statistics/hunch argument again but with even less basis? You have more fun bludgeoning than (...) (23 years ago, 10-Oct-01, to
Message is in Reply To:
 | | ScottFroth(tm) answered
| (...) My basis for "not being convinced that we didn't get snookered" is lingering doubt that maybe, just maybe, bin Laden actually *was* the owner or part owner of that plant through some twisted chain, whether or not it was completely harmless or (...) (23 years ago, 10-Oct-01, to
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