Re: More on Palestine
Tue, 9 Oct 2001 13:27:26 GMT
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In, Scott Arthur writes:
> Lar quoted someone else:
> > "Israel has been a loyal ally in other ways. During the Gulf War in 1991,
> > Saddam Hussein deliberately attacked Israel with 39 Scud missiles and
> > threatened to strike it with chemical and biological weapons. Rather than
> > retaliate with its military might, the U.S. persuaded Israel to stand down
> > fearing moderate Arab states (and Syria) would drop out of another
> > American-led coalition. "
> Are you now saying Syria is a moderate Arab state?
"moderate Arab states (and Syria)" Note the conjunction, used here to
connect DISSIMILAR things. If *the speaker* had felt Syria was moderate, he
would have said: "moderate Arab states including Syria" or words to that
effect. So *the speaker* doesn't feel Syria is moderate.
Guess what? Neither do I, although I cannot be held 100% responsible for the
accuracy of every quote I cite or the entirity of the views of every
politician who happens to say something I agree with.
> Who said this:
> "Some countries are better than others. Syria is one of the worst on just
> about any metric you care to name. Any metric."
I did. No contradiction there.
> Do you views change with the wind?
Youch, an insult. Does your reading comprehension go steadily downward as
you age? Or is it something else that causes your difficulty with simple
grammatical constructs?
Message is in Reply To:
| | Re: More on Palestine
| (...) Are you now saying Syria is a moderate Arab state? Who said this: "Some countries are better than others. Syria is one of the worst on just about any metric you care to name. Any metric." Do you views change with the wind? Scott A (23 years ago, 9-Oct-01, to
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