Re: More on Palestine
Tue, 9 Oct 2001 08:34:28 GMT
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In, Larry Pieniazek writes:
> In, Daniel Jassim writes:
> > For a moment, I couldn't tell whether I was reading something from the
> > National Review or the World Zionist Org's website. What a bunch of hogwash.
> > At least it was worth a good laugh.
> You are going to have to do a little better than that at debunking...
I agree.
> Is this quote "hogwash"?
> "Of course, "the right of Israel to exist" has never been accepted by its
> enemies, especially Yasser Arafat. "
Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat told Israeli reporters the PNC would be
prepared to vote on the anti-Israel clauses, going further than the
conditions laid down in the Wye River agreement.
The Wye accord commits Israel to withdrawals from the West Bank in exchange
for Palestinian action against anti Israeli militants.
Correspondent Richard Miron: "Getting peace back on track"
Mr Arafat said: "If need be, we will convene the Palestinian National
Council and amend the charter, despite the fact that we already annulled the
charter at an open session of the PNC in 1996.
Dan, do you have a view on this?
Scott A
Scott A
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| (...) You are going to have to do a little better than that at debunking... Is this quote "hogwash"? "Of course, "the right of Israel to exist" has never been accepted by its enemies, especially Yasser Arafat. " (I note you haven't answered whether (...) (23 years ago, 9-Oct-01, to
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