Re: Now: Women Was: Libertarian SPAM (Propaganda)
Tue, 19 Jun 2001 17:28:46 GMT
1254 times
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Katie Dokken wrote:
> > I know that she works hard and I still slack off
> > on some things, but one thing makes me positive that she'll keep me
> > around... She still needs me to open the pickle jar. :-)
> I'll have to send her one of those round rubber thingies that she can use to
> get those pickle jars open. ;-)
I learned other ways from my mom that work a little better than those
rubber thingies (we had those also). On a brand new jar, a well placed
spoon does wonders to release the pressure. On an absolutely stuck jar,
my mom had this adjustable wrenchylike thing. It was so effective that I
have two, one for the kitchen and one for the hobby table (to open paint
Frank Filz
Work: (business only please)
Message has 1 Reply:  | | Now: women and tools!
| (...) Ah, women and tools. My favorite subject. I have several of the adjustable wrenches. Though I always use a screwdriver to pop open paint can lids, but it probably depends on what kind of paint can you're opening. I'm contemplating a new drill (...) (24 years ago, 19-Jun-01, to
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