Re: Sanctions (was: Libertarian Propaganda)
Mon, 18 Jun 2001 02:03:10 GMT
1379 times
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> In, Larry Pieniazek writes:
> My point is that while that is true NOW we would be foolish to let it be so
> for a billion, a million, or even a thousand years longer. Manifest destiny!
> Ad Astra Per Aspera. Our destiny is not to remain here, every single one of
> us, for the rest of our days. Our destiny is to explore. Man is an explorer
> and a creator, not just a resident.
Yup! Small steps leading to bigger, and bigger steps. Think of how far we've
come just in one century!
At the same time, as Carl Sagan said, we are still in our stage of "global
infancy" and need to get past the petty, destructive differences that also
brought so much death and misery in the last century. I have high hopes, my
friend, and the future is something worth living and dying for, in my opinion.
<snipped my comments>
> Nobody's arguing that. It certainly began here. I'm just saying that it
> shouldn't end here.
> snipped my comments>
> And so I shall, now that you've recanted, or at least softened from its
> emphatic certainty, your original statement. Thanks for the clarification.
> (I see it as a change in meaning, but you of course may not)
People interpret things in many ways. Our bias toward the author tends to
flavor our response and criticism. I recall this one time on LUGNET when
somebody (can't remember who, maybe you might?) was commenting favorably on
a quote another LUGNETer offered and asked who said that. He told him it was
Stalin, if I remember right, and the other guy was kind of surprised and
changed his mind a little.
Message has 1 Reply:  | | Re: Sanctions (was: Libertarian Propaganda)
| (...) Selçuk both gave the quote, and couldn't remember who said it. Either way though, I still like the quote in its out-of-Stalin context. ("The death of one is a tregedy, the death of millions is a stastic.) The way Stalin used it, it's (...) (24 years ago, 18-Jun-01, to
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Re: Sanctions (was: Libertarian Propaganda)
| (...) My point is that while that is true NOW we would be foolish to let it be so for a billion, a million, or even a thousand years longer. Manifest destiny! Ad Astra Per Aspera. Our destiny is not to remain here, every single one of us, for the (...) (24 years ago, 18-Jun-01, to
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