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 Off-Topic / Debate / 11013
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Re: Sanctions (was: Libertarian Propaganda)
Sun, 17 Jun 2001 20:05:30 GMT
1375 times
In, Daniel Jassim writes:
Whatever. If you're saying you behave this crude in person, why don't you
come down here to LA and show me? Otherwise, keep the bullsh*t to yourself
and stop hiding behind your computer. Learn some manners.


Boy Larry, I am SO glad you started the 'Libertarian Propaganda'  thread.
(s) This is just do damn enlightening.


[Remember, the (s) stands for sarcasm, in case anyone misses it]

Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: Sanctions (was: Libertarian Propaganda)
(...) Yeah, Larry! It's your fault that Tom is rude and that Daniel wants to fight him over it. Shame on you. Actually, I have found it wildly instructive to force myself to appreciate someone who is being rude to me. In certain usenet forums that I (...) (24 years ago, 17-Jun-01, to
  Re: Sanctions (was: Libertarian Propaganda)
(...) I think you meant "darn" enlightening, bub. :-) Well I am not sorry for starting the thread, but I am sorry that it seems to be demonstrating what has been said about some people in the past as being valid. Some people more than others, but it (...) (24 years ago, 17-Jun-01, to

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  Re: Sanctions (was: Libertarian Propaganda)
Whatever. If you're saying you behave this crude in person, why don't you come down here to LA and show me? Otherwise, keep the bullsh*t to yourself and stop hiding behind your computer. Learn some manners. Dan (24 years ago, 17-Jun-01, to

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