Re: Why the founding fathers limited government scope (was Re: Rolling Blackouts
Thu, 10 May 2001 19:59:10 GMT
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In, Frank Filz writes:
> Dave Schuler wrote:
> > > Of course the court of public opinion is the most powerfull court. When
> > > big bad corporation X screws over someone, the public will react. If the
> > > corporation is bad enough, the public will start to shun the
> > > corporation, and if it's the only corporation making some product,
> > > someone will realize pretty quickly that there's a guaranteed market for
> > > a competing product.
> >
> > This assumes, too, that Joe Smith TWD Group hasn't already established a
> > monopoly under which no guaranteed market exists, except for Joe Smith's
> > products. Further, they will no doubt be able to afford the most capable
> > spin teams and PR firms, so they'll *still* manage to make themselves seem
> > the most attractive option.
> Well, the biggest such organization today is.... The United States
> Federal Government....
> Think about it, what makes the government any different than Joe Smith
> TWD? Actually, there's a really big difference, they've done such a good
> PR job that we agree that they are the only effective "regulatory"
> oversight group.
So you're agreeing that a corporation will not only be just as corrupt,
but will likewise take steps to make sure that its corruption is beyond the
reach of individual correction?
The difference is that the government can be sued, and the government has
the finances to reimburse appropriate damages, and the government is not the
largest offender re: illegal toxic dumping (to continue the example).
I'm not saying, for that matter, that the government is perfect, nor am I
preaching bigger-is-better government. I'm saying that it would be no
better if such organizations were privatized, and I'm very confident that it
would quickly get worse.
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