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 Off-Topic / Debate / 10335
10334  |  10336
Re: Rolling Blackouts
Wed, 9 May 2001 15:27:13 GMT
419 times
In, Steve Bliss writes:
Congratulations.  Try being without power for 3 days in the middle of a • blizzard
in January. :-/

Do they give you any advance notice of specific outages (like: we're dropping
power to your house from 6:00pm to 8:00pm)?

The California Independent Sysytem Operator monitors the state's power grids,
and if they project that demand will exceed supply they issue a power alert
(these come in Stages 1-3-- I believe a Stage 3 is the worst and guarantees
some kind of rolling blackout will occur, but I'm not sure on this point) and
ask for extra conservation measures.  The status of these alerts can change
from hour to hour.

Today, for instance, they are projecting a Stage 2 alert IIRC, and are warning
that there may be rolling blackouts.  On our utility bill every address is
located within a "rotating outage block", numbered 1-14 or 50 where 50 denotes
areas that share power with facilities such as hospitals etc. Yesterday
Block 14 had the blackout so today is Block 1's turn. (BTW I live out in the
middle of nowhere and am in block 50-- I can't figure it out-- although there
IS a fire station about 8 miles going toward town. And it is no guarantee-- we
had a rolling blackout a couple of months ago anyway.) And if power is really
tight more than one block can be blacked out at the same time or within a day.
We are not given specific times, but each turn is supposed to be for about an
hour-- then it is the next block's turn.  And it has been during work hours so

Maggie C.

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Rolling Blackouts
Congratulations. Try being without power for 3 days in the middle of a blizzard in January. :-/ Do they give you any advance notice of specific outages (like: we're dropping power to your house from 6:00pm to 8:00pm)? Steve (...) (24 years ago, 9-May-01, to

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