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 Off-Topic / Debate / 10184
10183  |  10185
Re: A question of remembrance...
Thu, 3 May 2001 11:13:52 GMT
934 times
In, Larry Pieniazek writes:
In, Daniel Jassim writes:
In, Larry Pieniazek writes:

1. You seem to be saying that Israel and the PLO are equally bad. This is
incorrect. The PLO is far worse. To say that they are equal shows your bias.

And that remark doesn't show your bias? Please be so kind as to explain to all
of us why the PLO is "far worse"...

The intifadah.

   Intifadeh (1979) actually refers to the open uprising against
   Israel by the population, not terrorist actions per se.  The
   people throwing stones and bottles at tanks and soldiers are
   the symbol of the intifadeh, not snipers or car bombs or the
   actions of Hamas.

   The intifadeh should, instead, be interpreted as the surest
   sign that something is really, really, really wrong.  I mean,
   when common men, women, and children are willing to go out into
   the street and toss stones at troops they *know* will eventually
   shoot back, there's got to be a laundry list of grievances
   that just aren't being addressed.  I mean, how desperate must
   one feel before throwing stones at a Merkava [Israeli tank]?
   Unless that's a depleted-uranium stone, it's not going to do
   much tactically.

   It's important to note that the intifadeh has *not* been
   "reinstated."  It was a declaration that was rescinded some
   years ago.  The organised activity of the intifadeh period
   is notably absent now, not that people and communities are
   not taking it upon themselves to use its tactics in 2001.



Message is in Reply To:
  Re: A question of remembrance...
(...) The intifadah. ++Lar (24 years ago, 2-May-01, to

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