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 Off-Topic / Clone Brands / 884
    tente - alive and well? —Joseph Gonzalez
   i just got a tip from somebody about tente in production (URL) promising (ordering from europe). ..joseph g (23 years ago, 8-Jun-01, to
        Re: tente - alive and well? —Tore Eriksson
     It sure does. /Tore (...) (23 years ago, 10-Jun-01, to
         Re: tente - alive and well? —Lindsay Frederick Braun
     (...) Shweet! I like that Bismarck (although it is, um, a bit off-proportioned...). This is one clone that has long deserved another chance! best LFB (23 years ago, 11-Jun-01, to
         Re: tente - alive and well? —Alan Findlay
     Okay, educate me. These sets look good. But, is Tente compatible with Lego, or is it a stand-alone product? What about quality? Your opinions are appreciated. Alan (always looking for cost effective - i.e. cheap - ways to expand the building (...) (23 years ago, 12-Jun-01, to
         Re: tente - alive and well? —Dave Schuler
     (...) Welcome! There's always room for another supporter of clone brands! 8^) Sadly, Tente is not LEGO-compatible, but it's really close in some ways. The 2x4 brick has nearly the same dimensions, but the stud height and width are different, so the (...) (23 years ago, 12-Jun-01, to
        Re: tente - alive and well? —Russell Clark
   (...) Anyone know how to order these from the US? Russell (23 years ago, 12-Jun-01, to

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