Not much to sing about, but worth mentioning. The Dragons set has four figs
with weapons, a few (maybe 3) of the 2x4 rough-hewn bricks, one of the
green-n-brown terrain forms, and a Dragon with a blue orb/gem thingie. The
Xtreme sports set has four figs, two skateboards, a scooter, a bike, two of
the curved ramp panels, one of the "corner" curved ramp panels (sort of a
1/8 sphere), as well as some wall elements, two wooden fences, and two
trans-yellow 2x2 round tile grills.
I picked up the Xtreme set because I wanted the curved corner, but it should
be admitted that the set isn't much of a value with only 40 pieces for
$12.99. The Dragons set is the same price, but I didn't get a piece count.
Each set is packaged in a clear plastic box about 8x8x4. The set includes
several pre-applied decals, an instruction sheet, and a catalog (which
doesn't feature the current set or any other new releases).
If anyone's crazy about these curved ramp elements, or if someone absolutely
needs to be Dragons or Xtreme Sports complete, then these sets are probably
mandatory purchases. Otherwise, it might be worth it to wait for the
bargain rack.