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 Off-Topic / *54896 (-10)
  Previewed it five times and still flubbed the title. Doh!
It's the Sirocco. And not the forgettable Volkswagen, either. (11 years ago, 27-May-14, to,,, FTX)
Something I've been tinkering with for a few days. Aside from the joints, it's made entirely from pieces found in (two copies of) 6817 Light Armor Firebase from Mega Bloks' Call of Duty line. (7 URLs) Thanks for looking. Enjoy! Dave! See more at (...) (11 years ago, 27-May-14, to,,, FTX)  
  Mattel to buy Canada's Mega Brands for about $460 million
Mattel to buy Canada's Mega Brands for about $460 million February 28, 2014. (Reuters) - Mattel Inc (MAT.O), the world's No. 1 toymaker, said it agreed to buy Canada's Mega Brands Inc (MB.TO) for about $460 million, including debt, to expand its (...) (11 years ago, 28-Feb-14, to lugnet.general,, lugnet.mediawatch, FTX)  
  Re: Fair and Balanced, as always.
(...) IKR So much has changed since LUGNET came online. I'd like to debate you, but I'm afraid that we see eye to eye on a lot these days. VERY AFRAID. (URL) JOHN (11 years ago, 13-Nov-13, to, FTX)
  Re: Fair and Balanced, as always.
(...) It's been so quiet in here for so long that I felt like I had no one else to talk to. Dave! (11 years ago, 13-Nov-13, to, FTX)
  Re: Fair and Balanced, as always.
(...) Are you engaging a debate with a worthy adversary, namely yourself, Dave!? JOHN (11 years ago, 13-Nov-13, to, FTX)
  Re: Fair and Balanced, as always.
(...) So... Since Dan Rather was fired for going on-air with false information about Bush, when can we expect CBS to fire Lara Logan for going on-air with false information about Obama, specifically about Benghazi? (11 years ago, 13-Nov-13, to
  Re: The all-apocryphal SS Work-in-Progress
(...) Wow! Well, done, Dave! I never would have imagined that you turned into a bona-fide builder;-) Some nice Schleiming going on there, too! What is the SNOT technique called in the apocryphal language? JOHN (12 years ago, 31-May-13, to, FTX)
  The all-apocryphal SS Work-in-Progress
Thanks for looking! (4 URLs) (4 URLs) (4 URLs) (4 URLs) (4 URLs) (4 URLs) (12 years ago, 29-May-13, to lugnet.announce.moc,,, FTX)  
  Re: Controversial 'Mr. Gold' LEGO figure is $1,000 windfall
(...) snippers (...) snippers (...) "I don't know what I'm going to do, but I'll certainly be buying less of their product in the future." Ah, the classics never go out of style,,, ;-) (12 years ago, 23-May-13, to, FTX)  

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