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 Off-Topic / *54824 (-5)
  Hey, did anyone see Atlas Shrugged, The Movie?
I mean seriously. Did anyone???? (14 years ago, 19-Apr-11, to, FTX)
  Re: Test posting
(...) Test #5. (14 years ago, 16-Apr-11, to
  Re: Test posting
(...) Test #4. (14 years ago, 16-Apr-11, to
  Test posting
Test posting (14 years ago, 26-Mar-11, to
  Re: Sticker background color (request to Standards Committee)
(...) Snip Do you have an idea how that should work? The only thing I can imagine is that the whole library has to be made for that case as there are maybe references that has more than 8.3 filenames. And the result could not be shown on other (...) (14 years ago, 4-Feb-11, to

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