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 Off-Topic / *54819 (-5)
  Re: Sticker background color (request to Standards Committee)
(...) Even I have given that issue up now. :) I'd say we make a utility program that converts long names and references to them to 8.3 names, for the few special occations that will be necessary. (...) Wow! That's so utterly cool. I'm able to run (...) (14 years ago, 2-Feb-11, to
  Re: 10219 Maersk Container train set
(...) Actually, I have built them: (URL) HERE>, (URL) HERE>, (URL) HERE>, (URL) HERE>, and a few others which I have yet to photograph. I'm not really going public with it until I finish a few locos. So there. JOHN (14 years ago, 26-Jan-11, to, FTX)
  Re: 10219 Maersk Container train set
(...) You maybe should get Ross to build them. Less talk, more build. (14 years ago, 25-Jan-11, to, FTX)
test in6 (14 years ago, 23-Jan-11, to
  receipved copy of my post from
When I posted a reply on the web site today, I was surprised to get a copy of my post with From field as What's that about? Steve Putz (14 years ago, 13-Jan-11, to

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