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  Re: LPub Error Message?
(...) Thanks for your concern, but my system can tolerate one such grudging admission every twenty-four months or so without going into fits. In fact, I gave Dave K his props just over two years ago (URL) here,> so I should be okay until after the (...) (14 years ago, 5-Dec-10, to, FTX)
  Re: LPub Error Message?
(...) Ouch. That must have been painful for you to type, Dave! JOHN (14 years ago, 4-Dec-10, to, FTX)
  Re: LPub Error Message?
(...) ....grumble.... The most damning part is that you may be indirectly correct. I haven't kept step with all of the whys and wherefores of the LDraw file-header conventions, so there may be a glitch resulting from my failure to match my custom (...) (14 years ago, 4-Dec-10, to
  Re: LPub Error Message?
(...) "PURE" is a dead givaway.... I think you left the next line of the error message out: R6026 -impure parts detected in library, aborting. Try removing all Mega***** from your libraries (and your house, while you're at it, for good measure) and (...) (14 years ago, 4-Dec-10, to lugnet.cad,
  very quiet here
Cheers (14 years ago, 25-Nov-10, to

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