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  Re: New LEGO Universe Tradition Card Game coming
(...) Yeah, but I think that the analogy is flawed. The horseless carriage is FAR superior to what it replaced; other boards may have a nice feature here and there, but they are not VASTLY superior to LUGNET. I think that there is great value in (...) (14 years ago, 30-Jul-10, to, FTX)
  Re: New LEGO Universe Tradition Card Game coming
(...) You know, Horse and Buggy Repairmen were the same way about the horseless carriage ;) (...) I suppose it's nice to dream,,, :P (14 years ago, 30-Jul-10, to, FTX)
  Re: Taking shortcuts
(...) LOL Stonehenge!! Good one, Manfred! I have heard of (URL) Duncan's handiwork> before! :-) JOHN (14 years ago, 26-Jul-10, to, FTX)
  Re: Taking shortcuts
(...) Mmm-mmm, Stonehenge was a VERY advanced calculator, for it's time... (14 years ago, 22-Jul-10, to, FTX)
  Re: Taking shortcuts
(...) I'm not worried about disk space so much as I am worried about render/move/edit time. Unnecessary polygons, even after being read in and converted into internal models, take time to process. I think you can see the difference in POVray render (...) (14 years ago, 21-Jul-10, to, lugnet.cad)  

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