| | Re: Gafla
(...) Wait a minute... I think you mean ghafla, the gadfly distraction (according to Fremen). I knew I'd figure it out before too long. Though I don't know whether or not I knew you were a fan of Herbert. (15 years ago, 19-Feb-10, to lugnet.off-topic.fun, FTX)
| | Bricklink MODs need to go!
Well it has been over 2 weeks since I was booted from Bricklink in a fit of standard stupidity. What I love best is the fact, and YES it is a fact they allow criminals on, people who have been BANNED FOR LIFE...yea, I remember that too! And I get (...) (15 years ago, 18-Feb-10, to lugnet.off-topic.debate)
| | email info
Let's see if the news server displays my current email address in the header of this message. If it does, I'll just be glad that it works and won't reply. David (15 years ago, 10-Feb-10, to lugnet.off-topic.test)
| | Test post no.3
;) (15 years ago, 1-Feb-10, to lugnet.off-topic.test)
| | Test post no.2
Blahdiblub (15 years ago, 31-Jan-10, to lugnet.off-topic.test)
| | test post no.1
Blubdiblah (15 years ago, 31-Jan-10, to lugnet.off-topic.test)
| | test
test! (15 years ago, 17-Jan-10, to lugnet.off-topic.test)
| | Testing newsgroups
testing... testing... testing... ok... let's go... ...to the bar. :) (15 years ago, 5-Jan-10, to lugnet.off-topic.test, FTX)
| | First steps toward a graphical catalog of Mega Bloks parts now online
Please check it out (URL), if you're interested. So far it's very basic. The only parts listed at all are those that have been modeled for use with LEdit (et al); This represents somewhere around 450 elements. And only about 100 or so include sample (...) (15 years ago, 13-Dec-09, to lugnet.off-topic.clone-brands, FTX)
| | test #2
Hm.... claimed it sent, round-trip time may be a little while though... (15 years ago, 12-Dec-09, to lugnet.off-topic.test)