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  Re: poing
(...) (15 years ago, 14-Oct-09, to
testing blah blah (15 years ago, 14-Oct-09, to
  Kadawa...Dia back and Disney sells it!
Kadawa, the king of Japanese bricks, is once again the official Disneyland and Disneyworld brick, after an absence of 30 years. Once again if you want the sleeping beauty's castle, the Jungle Cruise (I've got this one, its fantastic!) Splash (...) (15 years ago, 12-Oct-09, to
About to dive into lugnet. -Wayne (15 years ago, 11-Oct-09, to
  MakerBeam: open source metal building kit
Hi! Thought this project would be interesting to the LUGnet community, hope I've found the right subforum. (URL) MakerBeam> is a project to build an open source metal building kit, like a next-generation Erector Set or Meccano. Instead of the (...) (15 years ago, 24-Sep-09, to, FTX)

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