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 Off-Topic / *54675 (-5)
  Re: Lego dealer closing down, clearnce sale
(...) May I ask you to please stop spamming all the groups with this? One message was more than enough, and the ones who might be interested have seen it. Thanks for understanding. Regards, Matija (16 years ago, 8-Mar-09, to lugnet.general,
  Re: test 6 # 5436546546787544
Hello (16 years ago, 28-Feb-09, to
  test messge
Hello World (16 years ago, 28-Feb-09, to
  Mega Bloks Vignette
Ye Olde Armourer [IMG](URL) more pics visit the Bloks Forum: (URL) for looking! Mike (16 years ago, 28-Feb-09, to
  LEGO WEAR for adults?
I saw this great LEGO WEAR jacket but it only fits a 5-6 year old. (URL) wish I could get one that fits an adult. :) (16 years ago, 28-Feb-09, to

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