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  Lego-compatible metal 2x4 brick key rings now available!
Hey folks, A few years ago I made some aluminum key rings that people really enjoyed. I'm proud to say they're available once again: (2 URLs) If you want a custom engraved one, please don't hold off...I may not have access to engraving equipment for (...) (16 years ago, 18-Jul-08, to,,, FTX)
  Re: Hmm,
(...) Back on track again? (16 years ago, 15-Jul-08, to
  LEGO-compatible, non-LEGO-like construction toys?
Hi all, I tried to post the message below to last night, but had to wait for approval, so I posted a copy to the Bloks Forum: (URL) had some good answers over there so far, and I hope to hear from knowledgeable people (...) (16 years ago, 15-Jul-08, to
  testy testy testy = 3 testies
Test. (16 years ago, 14-Jul-08, to
Now what...? (16 years ago, 14-Jul-08, to
  Re: Best-Lock update
(...) no sweat on the name mix-up, dave. thanks for the warm welcome!! ..joseph g (16 years ago, 14-Jul-08, to
  Re: Best-Lock update
(...) Doh! I called you Jorge, which would make you Jorge Gonzalez, the kid who sat next to me in senior year calculus. Sorry about that. Glad to see you at The Bloks Forum! Dave! (16 years ago, 12-Jul-08, to
  Tyco Superblocks and Kawada Blocks pages
these are some older pages i've just recently re-posted: (URL) particularly liked the attempt at godzilla models (URL) were great in terms of quality, of particular note were the 'transforming' robo-bloxx sets (though they weren't real sturdy). (...) (16 years ago, 11-Jul-08, to
  Re: Best-Lock update
(...) Joseph, as a matter of fact I did - and some. (...) BestLock are sometimes found in discount stores, but they are usually older sets of poor quality - hence my hesitant expectations with regard to quality (in material) of newer sets. I do own (...) (16 years ago, 11-Jul-08, to
  Re: Best-Lock update
(...) jerry have you tried any clones at all? i don't mind a clone once in a while, i mainly buy them for the models (military assortment, and good amount of bricks for the price) and i don't mix them with other brands (just my personal preference). (...) (16 years ago, 10-Jul-08, to

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