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Re: A real monster-bike?
lugnet.technic, lugnet.modelteam
Fri, 25 Apr 2003 18:53:13 GMT
46 times
In lugnet.technic, Øyvind Steinnes writes:
Look at this picture:

It was from an article in a Norwegian site :

First of all I think I've seen this bike before in LEGO?
This one looks similar, but is not the exact one I am remembering...

But the real-life bike looks awesome.
Anybody that has more info about it or more pictures?
There is no link in the article, and the only thing I can find of info is
that the bike is made by Dodge and is named Tomahawk. It has an enginge from
the Dodge Viper and has an frame in Aluminium. And they say the theoretical
top speed is 640 km/t  :)

It has actually four wheels, is it a car then?

Øyvind Steinnes

Have a look here:,12543,436797,00.html

It's an article from Popular Science about the "bike"


Message is in Reply To:
  A real monster-bike?
Look at this picture: (URL) was from an article in a Norwegian site : (URL) of all I think I've seen this bike before in LEGO? This one looks similar, but is not the exact one I am remembering... (URL) the real-life bike looks awesome. Anybody that (...) (22 years ago, 25-Apr-03, to lugnet.technic, lugnet.modelteam)

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