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 Model Team / 390
    Re: It's done: The Kobelco CK850 Crawler Crane —Larry Pieniazek
   (...) WOW! This is a beaut. It looks *so* realistic (the wonders of large scale... are you listening, John Neal??)!!! What are backstops (you said the backstops are made of aluminum)? Thanks for sharing. Will you be entering this in any contests or (...) (23 years ago, 15-Nov-01, to lugnet.modelteam)
        Re: It's done: The Kobelco CK850 Crawler Crane —Evert van Wichen
   Backstops are those black pipes that are connected from the upper machinery (just behind the cabin) to the lower part of the main boom. The prevent the boom to fall backwards. And they are used when the crane removes it's own counterweight (in (...) (23 years ago, 15-Nov-01, to lugnet.modelteam)
        Re: It's done: The Kobelco CK850 Crawler Crane —Thomas Avery
   (...) Great crane, Evert! As we all know, I'm a huge fan of cranes and yours is certainly one of the best. Awesome crane! As for contests, I think you ought to consider this: (URL) a model team section and your crane would be an excellent (...) (23 years ago, 15-Nov-01, to lugnet.modelteam)

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