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Re: 20-Wide model of a Dutch train
lugnet.technic, lugnet.trains, lugnet.modelteam
Fri, 20 Mar 2015 12:02:46 GMT
278 times
In lugnet.technic, Reinard van Loo wrote:
well Dutch.... Ok, based on the French BB7200.... but it's the Dutch railways
yellow version, oh yeah: and it has the crest of the city I grew up: Almelo.
Don't know if 1876 is a real existing train number, but what the heck.

Hello all you trainheads!!

Let's start a new train model-width: not 6,7 or 8 that's for babies. go for the
big numbers: 20!
(reminds me of a scene in Titanic (the movie) where they discussed the size of
the Titanic... something to do with Freud...)

ehhh Where was I:

Oh yeah, my new MOC is finally ready:

(shoudl be public in a couple of hours...)

It's more a model now, not that much Technic in it. I tried to remain as close
as possible to the original.

Some specs:
- 20 nops wide
- 105 nops long
- about 20 nops high
- Rides on straight old-style rail track, 9 nops from each other.
- something like 8-9 Kg

In the weekend I'll try to do some moderation on my site.

da groet'n,


Hallo Reinard,

Ik ben ook bezig met een 20 brede 1600. Maar dan een 1800. Genoemd naar mijn
geboorteplaats Tilburg, de 1851. Misschien kunnen we de locomotieven eens naast
elkaar zetten, dat lijkt me erg gaaf!

Hoop wat van je te horen dan kun je mailen naar


Message is in Reply To:
  20-Wide model of a Dutch train
well Dutch.... Ok, based on the French BB7200.... but it's the Dutch railways yellow version, oh yeah: and it has the crest of the city I grew up: Almelo. Don't know if 1876 is a real existing train number, but what the heck. Hello all you (...) (21 years ago, 19-Apr-04, to lugnet.technic, lugnet.trains, lugnet.modelteam) ! 

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