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Re: BrickLink will join the LEGO® Group
Mon, 9 Dec 2019 20:44:14 GMT
18697 times
In lugnet.mediawatch, “Abner Finley” wrote:
   So, what does this acquisition mean to you? It’s too soon to tell what exactly will happen at this point, but the direction is clear. The LEGO Group shares our ambition to create the best possible platform / experience for adult fans.

We understand that you might have more questions about the details of future changes. Please refer to these FAQs, and feel free to leave comments on this post. We also welcome any suggestions or cool ideas for future collaboration projects.

More than anything, this sounds like Lego’s finally getting a piece of the secondary market. It must have been eating at them for decades.

I’ve averaged about 0.56 transactions annually in the 18 years I’ve been on Bricklink, so in practical terms this acquisition means nothing at all to me. Philosophically, though, it’s simply another example of Lego seeking to expand its hold over the brick toy universe.

YMMV, but that’s my $0.02.

Message is in Reply To:
  BrickLink will join the LEGO® Group
From Nov. 26, 2019 BRICKLINK will join the LEGO Group Dear BrickLink members, We are extremely excited to announce that BrickLink Limited has entered into a definitive purchase agreement to be acquired by the LEGO Group. As the LEGO (...) (5 years ago, 27-Nov-19, to lugnet.mediawatch, FTX)

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