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BrickLink will join the LEGO® Group
Wed, 27 Nov 2019 12:37:39 GMT
18051 times
From Nov. 26, 2019

BRICKLINK will join the LEGO Group

Dear BrickLink members,

We are extremely excited to announce that BrickLink Limited has entered into a definitive purchase agreement to be acquired by the LEGO Group. As the LEGO Group has announced today through its official press release, the transaction is expected to close by the end of 2019.

About 6 years ago when Jay took over BrickLink from Dan’s family, Jay promised to keep Dan’s legacy and continue to strive for his original mission – to help AFOL communities thrive. Our team is deeply grateful for Jay’s generous investment and our vibrant community’s enthusiastic support that helped us keep the promise. BrickLink now has nearly 1.2 million community members after quadrupling the initial 300,000 members who began the journey with us back in 2013. It’s not just volume that has grown over time. The overall engagement level of the community is higher than ever thanks to our avid members with various roles including catalog contributors, volunteers, big and small sellers, MOC designers, and set/minifig collectors.

Along the way, we also set an ambitious company vision – to unlock the true potential of LEGO bricks with the power of global communities. We believe in the creative power of AFOL communities and wanted to harness it with BrickLink. That’s why we launched AFOL-powered platforms and tools, such as MOC Shop (2014), (2016), Studio 2.0 (2018), and piloted the first AFOL Designer Program (2018-2019) in addition to improvements on marketplace features.

Collaborating with the LEGO Group for the AFOL Designer Program taught us how much the LEGO Group cares about AFOL communities and how deeply they respect all of the creations and cultural heritage of adult LEGO fans. When two companies have perfectly aligned visions while filling in the missing parts of each other, it’s not too difficult to imagine how the collaboration will go. Once the potential synergy turned into reality with the success of the first AFOL Designer Program, we had no doubt that we were ready to take the collaboration to the next level. The LEGO Group’s acquisition of BrickLink was the best possible choice for us to secure future collaboration opportunities for AFOL communities.

So, what does this acquisition mean to you? It’s too soon to tell what exactly will happen at this point, but the direction is clear. The LEGO Group shares our ambition to create the best possible platform / experience for adult fans.

We understand that you might have more questions about the details of future changes. Please refer to these FAQs, and feel free to leave comments on this post. We also welcome any suggestions or cool ideas for future collaboration projects.

Visit Frequently Asked Questions

We’ll keep you posted when we have follow-ups or major milestones to announce. So, please stay tuned.

Thanks, BrickLink Team

Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: BrickLink will join the LEGO® Group
(...) Well, I'm on a 'wait and see what happens'. As I'm not a huge user of BL, but have purchased lots in the past, my opinion on this is pretty irrelevant. I don't have a store, wasn't planning on opening a store, and haven't purchased from BL (...) (5 years ago, 27-Nov-19, to lugnet.mediawatch, FTX)
  Re: BrickLink will join the LEGO® Group
(...) More than anything, this sounds like Lego's finally getting a piece of the secondary market. It must have been eating at them for decades. I've averaged about 0.56 transactions annually in the 18 years I've been on Bricklink, so in practical (...) (5 years ago, 9-Dec-19, to lugnet.mediawatch, FTX)

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