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 MediaWatch / 2086
  Re: Bill Swanberg Update
(...) So they can use Ebay's preferred (silly) capitalization, but can't get BrickLink right? And BrickLink facilitates trades? (...) More of the accuracy we have come to expect from the media. Good grief; even his BrickLink feedback page can tell (...) (19 years ago, 24-Apr-06, to lugnet.mediawatch)
  Re: Bill Swanberg Update
(...) What REALLY irks me is the repeated use of "Legos". I can understand that kids might misuse the word, but the media has a responsibility for reporting the news correctly, right? (insert rolling-eyes smiley here) If the media's gonna throw (...) (19 years ago, 24-Apr-06, to lugnet.mediawatch)
  Re: Bill Swanberg Update
(...) Oops, just realized that simply redirects to the correct website now. For those of you unaware, at one point, the incorrect URL resulted in a site with a bit of a "brand speech" (i.e. how to use the LEGO name properly) before (...) (19 years ago, 24-Apr-06, to lugnet.mediawatch)
  Re: Bill Swanberg Update
(...) Yes, probably taken down due to a little 'backlash' from the masses-- (URL) that was just a site I found right off the bat! I will always endeavour to type 'LEGO bricks' and say the same. However, I will not tell people that they're making (...) (19 years ago, 24-Apr-06, to lugnet.mediawatch)

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