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Re: Bill Swanberg Update
Mon, 24 Apr 2006 04:00:29 GMT
3687 times
On Mon, 24 Apr 2006, Marc Nelson Jr. wrote:

Here's an update from the
Hillsboro (OR) Argus>:

{Senior Deputy District Attorney Jeff Lesowski said William A. Swanberg, 40, of
Reno, Nev., made a profit auctioning Legos, stolen mostly from Target stores, on
two online auction sites - eBay and The latter is a site
specifically intended for Lego sale and trade.}

So they can use Ebay's preferred (silly) capitalization, but can't get
BrickLink right?  And BrickLink facilitates trades?

{Records obtained from indicate Swanberg sold nearly $600,000
worth of Legos since 2002. Operating under the name "Barter the Brick," Swanberg
sold the stolen Legos at prices that were less than retail, but still a huge
profit for him.

More of the accuracy we have come to expect from the media.  Good grief;
even his BrickLink feedback page can tell you it's "Bartering the Brick".

TWS Garrison
Remove capital letters in address for direct reply.

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Bill Swanberg Update
(...) What REALLY irks me is the repeated use of "Legos". I can understand that kids might misuse the word, but the media has a responsibility for reporting the news correctly, right? (insert rolling-eyes smiley here) If the media's gonna throw (...) (19 years ago, 24-Apr-06, to lugnet.mediawatch)

Message is in Reply To:
  Bill Swanberg Update
Here's an update from the (URL) (OR) Argus>: Lego thief pleads guilty Thursday ===...=== Friday, April 21, 2006 By Kurt Eckert The Argus The man who stole more than $6,000 in Lego sets from Target stores throughout the Portland areas pleaded guilty (...) (19 years ago, 24-Apr-06, to lugnet.general, lugnet.mediawatch, lugnet.people,, FTX) ! 

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