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  Building a New Career Is a Snap
Article about Aaron Sneary and Co. workers: (URL) Best regards, /Tobbe (URL) (remove SPAM when e-mailing) (21 years ago, 29-Jan-04, to lugnet.mediawatch, lugnet.people) ! 
  Re: Lego on The Motley Fool
The Motley Fool author didn't appear to get much straight. My invesment advice: Don't trust this guy's research! -Ted (21 years ago, 24-Jan-04, to lugnet.mediawatch)
  Jason Koczur and T. Jackson's MOC's appear in the LEGO Magazine
Congratulations go out to Jason Koczur and T. Jackson who had their MOC's in the latest issue of the LEGO Club Magazine. (January 2004) Jason Koczur's model was an awesome Metro Center Train Station that appeared to take up 6 large gray baseplates! (...) (21 years ago, 24-Jan-04, to lugnet.mediawatch, lugnet.people,, lugnet.trains)
  Re: Aaron Sneary Rocks!
(...) (URL) Bouncing off the wall :-) (21 years ago, 23-Jan-04, to, lugnet.mediawatch, lugnet.people)  
  Re: LEGO Marsrover toy mentioned on AP wire service
(...) Astrobots in the set? Then again, maybe they didn't come up with the astrobots until production had already started... Scott Lyttle (21 years ago, 19-Jan-04, to lugnet.mediawatch)
  Dallas Morning News features Nathan Sawaya
Today the (URL) Dallas Morning News> ran a Newsday (?) feature in their Kids Beat section about Nathan Sawaya. It features large pics of some of his MOCs, especially the life-size (URL) Han Solo in Carbonite>. Lugnet gets a mention as well, and (...) (21 years ago, 21-Jan-04, to lugnet.mediawatch, FTX)
Hi All, I was just reading on the CNN website and I came across this article... (URL) it is titled, "Caltech makes green off red planet rovers", it mentions LEGO and it's role in the Mars mission and it also mentions the CD with the LEGO minifig and (...) (21 years ago, 21-Jan-04, to lugnet.mediawatch)
  Re: My fifteen minutes--master builder competition prep
(...) As much as I like the idea of Brendan fantasizing about me, here's the many mistakes can you find? ;) Derek Career possible for LEGO buff By Stephen Curran/Staff Writer Capt. Derek Schin likes to play with LEGOs, but make no (...) (21 years ago, 21-Jan-04, to lugnet.mediawatch, FTX)
  Re: My fifteen minutes--master builder competition prep
(...) don't know about that. And with a .txt extension, they won't even have a photo of Derek to entice that dollar out of me. Maybe I can get Derek to call me and read the article aloud while I imagine a photo of him. -Brendan (21 years ago, 20-Jan-04, to lugnet.mediawatch)
  Re: My fifteen minutes--master builder competition prep
(...) I found an article here: (URL) (21 years ago, 20-Jan-04, to lugnet.mediawatch, FTX)

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