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Re: Fort Legoredo Spotted in TRU Metrotown
Mon, 4 Mar 2002 21:12:10 GMT
19 times
My local TRU had the Sherrif's Lock Up (6764) a few weeks ago.  I suspect
these are like the Pirate sets and you will see them at TRU.  The S@H
catalolg does not have the "Not available in any store" notation with these
sets.  The Outlet at Potomac Mills also had them when I was there last week.

Awesome! How about the rest of the town? Or is lego only releasing those 3
sets that are already on the LUGNET database? I'm looking for 6764 in the
Vancouver Area. Same price as when they came out?

Tim Tosino

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Fort Legoredo Spotted in TRU Metrotown
(...) The spring 2002 catalog lists the following sets: 6709 Tribal Chief 6762 Fort Legoredo (rerelease of 6769) 6763 Rapid River Village (rerelease of 6766) 6764 Sheriff's Lock-Up (rerelease of 6755) 6790 Bandit's Wheel Gun I suspect that these (...) (23 years ago, 4-Mar-02, to lugnet.western,

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Fort Legoredo Spotted in TRU Metrotown
"Tim Tosino" <> wrote in message (...) sets up. My local TRU had the Sherrif's Lock Up (6764) a few weeks ago. I suspect these are like the Pirate sets and you will see them at TRU. The S@H (...) (23 years ago, 4-Mar-02, to lugnet.western,

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